Bud trimmer jobs washington
Bud trimmer jobs washington

bud trimmer jobs washington

If you’ve ever grown marijuana, you know this takes precision and attention to detail. Basically, they are given raw material and are expected to turn it into something ready for the curing process. Trimmers manicure marijuana buds and prepare them for medicinal use.

Bud trimmer jobs washington professional#

It simply means that you don’t need any professional experience or educational training to do it. When we say it’s low skills, we don’t mean that it doesn’t require any expertise - in fact, trimming well takes a lot of practice and skill. Many people working in the marijuana industry start out as a trimmer, since it’s a “low skills” position that is a great way to get your foot in the door. Since we’ll just be looking at entry-level positions in this article, let’s take a look at two key jobs: trimmers and budtenders. The following job titles are some of the many possible jobs within the marijuana industry: Entry level marijuana jobs in Washington – Image powered by Each market has a specific target audience, and people might choose to work in one market or the other because of their different priorities or experiences. It’s important to remember that in Washington there are two distinct markets for marijuana: medical and recreational. But without any specialized, professional experience, how can you get started working in this field?

bud trimmer jobs washington bud trimmer jobs washington

For those who may appreciate and use marijuana, the idea of working in the marijuana industry is certainly appealing. Washington’s legal marijuana industry has room for plenty of different jobs.

Bud trimmer jobs washington